
Chicago's TV station, WGN, shared an article today on the states where homeowners carry the most mortgage debt. An analysis of data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York calculated mortgage debt per capita around the country, then ranked States from lowest to highest. You can see the results, here.

Mortgage Rules To Keep In Mind

May 31
Category | General

The Motley Fool has compiled 5 mortgage rules with which to be familiar. As the largest investment most of us are likely to make, there is little room for error. Check out the article when you have a moment, here.

The Observer has an extensive article today lambasting real estate investment titled The Lies, Cover-Ups, and Half-Truths About Investing in Real Estate. If you're interested in an opinion piece about the myriad ways that real estate can be a poor investment—and it's worth a read—then you can read it here.

Homeowners list "Mortgage Mistakes"

May 26
Category | General has an article polling homeowners on—what they feel—were mistakes made during the mortgage process. Among the regrets are, not moving quickly enough when making a decision, not making extra payments, and not paying closer attention to rate fluctuation. You can read the entire piece, here.

House Hacking?

May 25
Category | General

With as much as a 7 percent annual appreciation rate, house hacking—a live-in real estate investment strategy—is gaining in popularity across the country. Living in a multi-unit building, while renting out the unused spaces, allows for owner-occupied loans not available to most investment properties. Once some capital has been created, one can simply acquire and develop other properties in the same manner. CNBC has an article, here.

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