
 Laura Kusisto writing for the Wall Street Journal explores the current challenges with home financing. Rentals are up, and there are a number of reasons why a portion of the middle class can't qualify to buy a house. More, here.

Brena Swanson has shared an infographic on HousingWire showing phone usage statistics, and reiterating the importance of being mobile friendly in real estate. More, here.

Should You Refinance?

Aug 9
Category | General

ABC News shared 5 questions to ask yourself when considering refinancing. It's mostly common sense, but always good to have a refresher. More, here.

National Mortgage News has a piece on down-payment assistance programs. The article features Jeb Hensarling, the House Financial Services Committee Chairman, among others criticizing the current state of affairs. More, here.

Should You Create an Escrow Account?

Aug 6
Category | General

The Seattle Times has an informative piece on the pros and cons of setting up an escrow account, here.

Showing results 36 - 40 of 345